Artificial Grass Los Angeles
Artificial Grass Los Angeles
Serving Los Angeles and Southern California

Hollow Blade Has Arrived! Artificial Grass That Keeps Moisture Inside To Stabilize the Temperature of the Lawn

We are pleased to announce the release of first of its kind technology- "Hollow Blade"- that prevents moisture from transpiration.

Call us for FREE Samples! See pictures and specifications:Hollow Blade 73

If the heat absorbing properties of the artificial grass made you reluctant to buy; think again! Hollow Blade- first of its kind product by Global Syn-Turf is specially designed to lessen the temperature of the lawns during bright sunny days. This latest blade designed by GST has a hollow veil in the center of the grass which ensures that the temperature of the lawn continues to be stable and cool despite hot climate.

In plants, leaf surfaces are dotted with stomata (opening, or holes) bordered by guard cells that open and close the pore. It is stomata apertures that facilitate transpiration and cool grass as the escaping water vapor carries away heat energy. GST's Hollow Blade technology imitates the same process which helps in retaining moisture inside the stems for longer period thereby decreasing the lawn temperature.

In the last few decades, technology in the artificial grass industry has come a long way. The most important element in the artificial grass industry is creating a right angle during blade designing since it plays a crucial role for sunlight reflection. Failing to do so causes a substantial rise in the lawn temperature. However, Global Syn-Turf displayed a great leap forward and had successfully provided a phenomenal solution with its latest blade design Hollow Blade.

September 2, 2015   |   Artificial Grass, Fake Grass, Synthetic Grass, Synthetic Turf, Outdoor Carpet, Turf Grass

Turf War At The Bay Area Largest Water Agency

Tor Mclean, the resident of Lafayette, California, solved the California historic drought issue at his own backyard. He tore away his water-thirsty lawn and turned it into a beautiful, eternally green retreat that requires zero maintenance and lowers approximatly 70% of his monthly water bill. Plus, he is getting a rebate from East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) to decrease the cost of transition. 

"I want it look pretty. I want it look good, " -said Tor Mclean. "Don't have to spend a lot of money on it, and conserve water. No matter if the drought is over or not," - he said, "this project is going to stay." 

Abby Figueroa, the East Bay Municipal Utility District, told ABC7 News that the agency planned the cap up to $2,500 in cash rewards to homeowners who are switching to the drought-tolerant natural plants. They might extend rebates to those who go with artificial grass with a cap of $1,200. But California Redbud, Cleveland Sage and Cofee Berry, though look decent on the front lawns, can't replace traditional California backyards, the place for kids to play and for adults to enjoy the 4th of July barbeque. But not everyone is happy. 

As a continuous effort to minimise the plastic waste, the Alameda County public recycling agency, sent a letter in protest to Est Bay Mud. "This stuff has no place to go after its useful life other than a landfill, and people may install it and send it to landfill a few years after the drought is over," Stop Waste spokesperson Gary Wolff said.

But the question is: will the drought be over in a few yeas? Artificial grass life expectancy under regular traffic is at least twenty years. Most Californians realize that no matter what agencies say, July 1 water price increase is just a beginning. 

EBMUD raised water rates three years in a row. Someone has to pay for aging infrastructure, and this someone is California residents. Last year, Abby Figueroa mentioned that increasing water prices are "politically challenging." Now, when the California drought got to the catastrophic stage, it is time to invest in a new technology, and it will affect the cost of every household in the state. 

"The drought has been the main drive in the industry.  People look for the alternatives to their real sod," - said Andrew Gao, Global Syn-Turf's CEO, in his interview with Cornell Barnard, ABC7 News. 

As Cornell Barnard mentioned on air, the artificial grass business is booming.  "Grass is always greener at Global Syn-Turf. The demand is so high for the fake grass they make it's been hot for their business for the last two years." 

Most synthetic turf manufacturers in the United States have a challenging time to keep with growing demand. Some of them have at least three months in back orders. At Global Syn-Turf, we are happy to give an immediate solution to our customers. Global Syn-Turf is the largest manufacturer of artificial grass in the United States with the largest inventory of highest quality synthetic grass in the country. Every order is fulfilled in the timely manner. While most companies have no manufacturing capacity to produce enough turf for sky-rocketing demand, we can supply turf TODAY. Plus, if you walk through our website, you will see the biggest collection of grass and the widest range of technologies we have innovated throughout years. 

Global Syn-Turf collection of artificial grass is impressive and contains more than 65 different types of turf - from landscape applications and sports fields to professional putting greens and unique grass with exceptional drainage intended for pet areas.

With warehouses in Northern and Southern California and all around the country, there is no need to wait three months or more to lower your water bills. Call us today and start saving water immediately.

Cornell Barnard, ABC7 News, believes that "during the drought there is nothing fake about saving water."
June 24, 2015   |   Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Fake Grass, Synthetic Grass, Synthetic Turf, Artificial Grass Cost, Beyond The Bad Lawn Day, Fertilizer

Pet Grass 85 Complete Installation Guide By Dr. Simmons at Drake and Other Fallen Police Dogs Memorial

We are honored to be a part of the remembrance of Drake and other police canine companions, fallen protecting us. Drake was shot four times on November, 18 2012. He was a German Shepherd retired from a force. In spite of heroic efforts by the best veterinarians in the country, Drake didn't make it. He passed away five days later after shooting. 

In the interview to local news, Dr. Simmons' stated: "They (police dogs) are currently classified as equipment, - the depreciable equipment with no value when they are retired. Do dogs deserve some form of status? Hero Status really..." 

The video has been captured at K-9 dedicated Drake and other fallen police dogs Memorial in Greenacres, Florida where GST donated one of our best products - PetGrass-85. Dr. Ken Simmons gives a complete overview of the project done at the Memorial and the ultimate guide to every step of the installation process. Thank you, Dr. Simmons! 

Global Syn-Turf produces more than 65 different lines of artificial grass, and some of it needs special care during the installation. The good example of it is our Pet Grass 85. Designed for an ideal drainage, the backing of this product has no stitch lines, and as an installer you must pay an extra attention to details. 

"We've been using this product for the better part of ten months, and some rain storms have come through that were quite substantial, and we've had absolutely no flooding. There are no smell issues at all. " - said Dr. Simmons. "We have large dogs running at high speeds turning on a dime. Carpet (artificial grass) is not separating. It is no falling apart anywhere. And clients, the perception, that they have now of our park is that it looks like an Augusta National Golf Course. I am very impressed with Dave Maronic and his team for providing us this turf for the Drake Memorial because it is very special thing for us since we have a veterinary hospital, and now we have a Memorial Park that is absolutely spectacular. The turf is just made it wonderful." 

Below is the full transcript. 

If you already own a dog care facility, where lots of dogs are playing at the regular basis, you know that regular grass, although beautiful and very friendly, often dies from disease, it dies from the urine. It gets wet with puddles from rain, and it turns into a mud bath, and all of your pets are playing in this. 

Once you are committed to the idea that you are going to spend the money to have your natural grass replace with an artificial turf, the very first step is to remove the existing material that's in your park. And so, my suggestion is to take out, depending on the value of dogs that are going to be playing in the park, up to 8, maybe even 10 inches of fill, so you end up with a space that can then be packed with the drain rock, and other products. 

There is actually quite a lot to this first stage of removing the fill that is there. So you must be careful because of the sprinkler pipes, water lines, electrical wires, antennas, cables, whatever might be in the ground. You need to be very careful and identify all those things. If there are sprinkler zones, they need to be relocated outside of the perimeter of where the turf is going to be laid, so you don't have to dig it physically up to get to it. 

If you encounter something that needs to be remained in its current position, identify it and place it in the protective box or cabin of some sort, and ultimately you can still cover it with the turf, and allow yourself access at the later date. 

Once the fill has been removed to a measured grade, the next step is bringing in number 57 rock. It's essentially septic drain fill rock. It's an inexpensive product, and here is where you are really want to be an opposite to thrifty. You want to use a lot of this rock. Give yourself at least six to eight inches of base rock compacted, and you are going to end putting a concrete screening over the top of this, but the very next step is to bring the rock in, approximate the level, and then go over it with a compactor, and follow it with a concrete screening, which is a fine concrete dust. That would be laid on top of the septic drain rock and compacted as well. That would be about four-inch bed. 

During the removal of the fill, you are going to encounter the places in your project that do not have linear or a hard surface upon which to attach the turf. That's where you need to pour a concrete curb to give yourself that option. If you have an existing sidewalk, it can be used nicely. Even existing paver or walkways that have a concrete edging can be used to attach the turf. But where there is nothing, you need to replace it with a concrete curb, probably a four-inch wide curb 6 or 8 inches deep that allows you to tack turf to the curb. 

Compacting the septic drain rock as well as the concrete screening is the essential part for this, and needs to be done very carefully and very meticulously. The rock should be moistened with water and tamped as a wet rock, and, ultimately, once the septic drain rock is tamped down, and you are going to lay this four and five inches of concrete screen on top, you do the same thing and tamp it down. It will be surface, but very pervious surface when you finished. You want to take extra care to make sure the details are done correctly on the curb edge, around any objects that might be left behind, trees and the like sometimes can be in the middle of your project. You want to cut around those trees and put some formed curb around them. And this part is very critical. 

Once you finished placing the rock and tamping it down and doing all the prepping that needs to be done, the next step is roll out the carpet. And this is a very important step because the carpet needs to be rolled out, so the grain matches anywhere you seam it. You can't turn the carpet perpendicular to itself, and end up with a good seam. The company that worked for us did a great job. Coastal Synthetic Turf has some technicians that were able to make the seams completely invisible. So the carpet is laid out in its approximate location as the first step and trimmed to fit the location. 

Any place where the seam is required with the dog's turf s really-really important to take a time, to make sure the edges match up perfectly. And then a piece of double-sided, large, white material is laid down, and nailed to the ground such that when the turf is applied to the top of the glue that would be laid on top of that will stick and create a perfectly nice seam. 

Once the seam is placed together on top of the glue, carpet is actually nailed to the ground to ensure that it stays tight to the seam. 

Once the seams are completely finished, large, heavy bags of sand are laid across a scene to make sure they are hold up together. 

As always during this process there will be a lot of clipping, and trimming, and edging things perfect, and that's critical. The details make all the difference. 

And the final stage is to apply sand in quantity to weigh carpet down, to keep it from fluffing around. And then it's brushed very aggressively with a broom to settle into the carpet. 

The goal behind this entire process is to give yourself a fairly significant drainage system beneath the carpet so that when water is applied to it in a great quantity, it flows to the carpet and directly to the drain system. 

June 10, 2015   |   Lawn Maintenance, Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Synthetic Grass, Synthetic Grass, Artificial Lawn, Synthetic Turf, Artificial Grass Cost, Artificial Grass For Dogs, Artificial Grass For Dogs, Water Conservation, Eco Friendly Products, Grass Installation, Artificial Turf Installation, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Faux Grass, Lawn And Landscape, Lawn Care, Grass For Dogs, Lawn Service, Cat Grass, Pet Grass, Drought Tolerant Plants, Outdoor Carpet, Pet Turf, Water Shortage, Water Facts, Paver Patio, Putting Greens, Playground, Golf, Gardeners, Backyard Landscaping, Backyard Landscaping Ideas, Golf Course, City Landscape, Front Yard Landscaping Ideas, Front Yard Landscaping, Backyard, Sports Turf, Landscaping Ideas For Front Yard, Rebate, Backyard Ideas, Backyard Ideas, Sports Athority, Swimming Pools, High School Sports, Landscaping, Garden Ideas, Garden Ideas, Natural Swimming Pools, Bernhard Langer, Backyard Designs, Backyard Designs, Landscape Ideas, Golf Players, Stadium, Front Yard Landscape Ideas, Front Yard Ideas, Dog Park, Dog Park, Pet Paradise, Front Yard, Water Drought, Drainage, Golf Courses, PGA Golf, Putting Green, Golf Green, Golf Club, Swimming Pool Designs, Dog Run, Design Ideas, Dog Run, PGA Leaderboard, Backyard Design, Backyard Design, Dog Parks, Dog Parks, Gardening Tools, Backyard Playground, Bocce Ball Court, Front Yard Design, Dog Hospital, Dog Hospital, Hotel For Dogs, Hotel For Dogs, Fake Grass For Dogs, Lawn Services, Watch Dogs, Dogs

Beyond the Lawn Day: Beverly Hills

While the state of California is experiencing the serious water drought, Beverly Hills residents are facing the reality of cutting down their water usage as much as by 35%, in light of the governor of California, Jerry Brown, mandate. The state promises to fine water wasters as much as $1,000 per day. 

According to Areavibes, the medium housing values in Beverly Hills is $2,703,500 and is 604 percent higher than in California.  The cost of living is twice higher than in the state on average. Beverly Hills has 2,481 backyard pools, which is the most pools per capita. It has one of the highest rates of water usage too, 216.6 gallons a day per resident (September, 2014), compared to 70 gallons in Los Angeles. Residents of Santa Ana, for example, use only 38 gallons of water a day.

Local authorities prohibited the draining and refilling pools, and required all pools be covered to lessen evaporation. Outside watering is restricted to two days a week. It seems that "the land of the sunshine, swimming pools, palm trees and movie stars" stands a chance to choose the alternative way and join the nation conservation effort. If not for the hard-to-replace swimming pools, the simplest and the most efficient drought solution is to change the way of our landscape. 

Transforming lawns into a beautiful oasis with lush and natural looking grass is much easier than changing people's expectations of how the landscape must look like. Artificial grass technology allows us to live the lifestyle we seek despite the climate change and drought conditions. 

People and the media tend to blame the upscale communities for the "moral isolation of the rich." But when you see beautiful tranquil front and backyards of Beverly Hills, take a closer look. Artificial grass is installed throughout the city, and while it looks just like a regular landscape, as a fact, most of it is synthetic. 

June 10, 2015   |   Lawn Maintenance, Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Synthetic Grass, Synthetic Grass, Artificial Lawn, Artificial Lawn, Synthetic Turf, Synthetic Turf, Artificial Grass Cost, Artificial Grass Cost, Artificial Grass For Dogs, Artificial Grass For Dogs, Water Conservation, Water Conservation, Water Conservation, Eco Friendly Products, Grass Installation, Grass Installation, Artificial Turf Installation, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Faux Grass, Lawn And Landscape, Lawn Care, Grass For Dogs, Grass For Dogs, Lawn Service, Cat Grass, Pet Grass, Pet Grass, Drought Tolerant Plants, Outdoor Carpet, Pet Turf, Pet Turf, Water Shortage, Water Facts, Paver Patio, California Water, California Drought, Putting Greens, Putting Greens, Playground, Playground, Golf, Golf, Gardeners, Backyard Landscaping, Backyard Landscaping, Backyard Landscaping Ideas, Golf Course, Golf Course, City Landscape, Front Yard Landscaping Ideas, Front Yard Landscaping, Front Yard Landscaping, Backyard, Sports Turf, Sports Turf, Rebate, Rebate, Backyard Ideas, Garden Tools, Garden Ideas, Landscaping, Landscaping, Backyard Designs, Landscape Ideas, Landscape Ideas, Front Yard Design, Backyard Design, Drought In California, Synthetic Lawn, Rebates, Drought California, Drought, Drought

Can You Tell Real or Fake? 19 out of 20 people make a mistake...

Take a look at the picture above. Is the lawn real or fake? 19 out of 20 people make a mistake. Test yourself. 

June 8, 2015   |   Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Maintenance, Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Synthetic Grass, Synthetic Grass, Synthetic Grass, Artificial Lawn, Artificial Lawn, Artificial Lawn, Synthetic Turf, Synthetic Turf, Synthetic Turf, Artificial Grass Cost, Artificial Grass Cost, Artificial Grass Cost, Artificial Grass For Dogs, Artificial Grass For Dogs, Artificial Grass For Dogs, Water Conservation, Water Conservation, Water Conservation, Eco Friendly Products, Eco Friendly Products, Grass Installation, Grass Installation, Grass Installation, Artificial Turf Installation, Artificial Turf Installation, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Faux Grass, Faux Grass, Lawn And Landscape, Lawn And Landscape, Lawn Care, Lawn Care, Lawn Care, Grass For Dogs, Grass For Dogs, Grass For Dogs, Lawn Service, Lawn Service, Cat Grass, Cat Grass, Pet Grass, Pet Grass, Pet Grass, Drought Tolerant Plants, Drought Tolerant Plants, Outdoor Carpet, Outdoor Carpet, Pet Turf, Pet Turf, Pet Turf, Water Shortage, Water Shortage, Water Facts, Water Facts, Paver Patio, Paver Patio, Putting Greens, Putting Greens, Putting Greens, Playground, Playground, Playground, Golf, Golf, Golf, Gardeners, Gardeners, Front Yard Landscaping Ideas, Front Yard Landscaping Ideas, Backyard, Rebate, Rebate, Rebate, Landscaping, Landscaping, Landscaping, Garden Ideas, Garden Ideas, Landscape Ideas, Landscape Ideas, Backyard Designs, Water Drought, Water Drought, Front Yard Design, Synthetic Lawn, Grass Carpet, Rebates, Drought

California Drought Salvation - Global Syn-Turf at San Francisco's Fox News

As a drought becomes a major concern in California, the idea of replacing old lawns with artificial grass becomes more and more attractive to home and business owners. In the interview with Ken Wayne, Fox News, San Francisco, Jim Luthi, the homeowner of Newark, confessed he has bit the bullet and replace the sod with artificial turf: "Thirty something years of having droughts on and off. "

Click here to WATCH

As every homeowner knows, a nice lawn takes a lot of work and water, and for some it doesn't worth it anymore. 

"A few years ago I wouldn't have got this because I didn't like the artificial turf, but they've gotten so good now that I figured you know what, I'm going to do it. And I wanted to lessen the workload on myself a little too," Jim said. 

Michael McGinnis, a landscaper, loaded his pick up with a giant roll of artificial turf at Global Syn-Turf's warehouse in Hayward, California. He says he is getting a lot more business installing turf. 

"It's becoming extremely popular. People can't get enough of it I guess," he told KTVU. 

The artificial grass industry is exploding. Global Syn-Turf, the largest artificial grass manufacturing company in America runs 45,000 square foot warehouse in Hayward. But that's only a small part of their business. They carry artificial turf products all around United States, including large metropolitan areas in Florida, Texas, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, New York and East Coast. Residents and landscaping businesses in Southern California pick up turf directly from GST's huge Los Angeles and San Diego warehouses. With increasing popularity of artificial turf in United States, most manufacturers run out of products quickly, but not Global Syn-Turf. 

Dave Maronic, a company vice-president, told KTVU the business is booming. "We've doubled, tripled every month," he said. "Different engineered blades is the way of the world right now." 

Global Syn-Turf produces more than 65 types of artificial grass of different colors, heights and weights. Engineered blades are designed for high performance, impeccable resilience, super-natural looking turf. It is not your old-fashioned, carpet looking Astroturf. 

"It looks just like the real thing, feels like the real thing. It's environmentally safe for the kids, for the pets," said Maronic. 

With the late concern about a crumb rubber linked to health issues and used by other artificial grass manufacturers, Dave Maronic made it clear that Global Syn-Turf has never been in favor with the use of old, used crumb tires, and always recommended natural infill solutions to their customers. 

"It's environmentally safe for the kids, for the pets," said Maronic. "There's different padding to meet G-Max ratings for fields that you don't have to use that rubber. So it's not something we carry. Not something we sell," he said. 

G-Max is the measurement of the shock attenuation of sports surfaces. The performance values of an artificial grass field can be understood as a reflection of the field's G-Max rating. With the G-Max below 120, the surface is too soft and may not provide enough energy return to the athlete, and leads to premature exhaustion. When G-Max rating is above 180, it creates an overly hard field, and will cause a performance hazard introducing the risk for severe injuries. The use of crumb rubber is not required to achieve perfect G-Max rating, and there are other ways to achieve a maximum level of protection to athletes. 

This year, Global Syn-Turf installed a million square feet of turf at the Twin Creek Sports Complex in Sunnyvale, California. 

You may think that installing artificial grass is a more expensive alternative to a natural sod, but in a long haul it pays for itself by reducing water bills and the maintenance costs. In California, major water agencies run rebate programs to help homeowners transition their lawns into the drought-tolerant landscape. According to professor of Earth sciences at UC Santa Cruz Lisa Sloan, who predicted a severe California drought back in 2004, "the actual situation in the next few decades could be even more dire that our study suggested." But even the scientists are wrong, for most homeowners swapping to artificial lawns makes more sense money and maintenance wise. 

At least that's the thinking of Jim Luthi as he gazes at his pristine Newark yard. "I think it looks great. Looks fabulous. Looks like regular grass."




June 5, 2015   |   Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Outdoor Carpet, Outdoor Carpet

Global Syn-Turf Launches Premium Double S Blade Artificial Grass Technology

Global Syn-Turf, Inc. today announced the release of new line of artificial grass developed with one-of-the-kind Double S shape technology designed to create super-realistic look and higher resilience of synthetic turf surfaces. With this latest release, Global Syn-Turf further satisfies the industry's demand for a proven and reliable outdoor solution which is inherently low-maintenance and zero-irrigation; a synthetic grass which provides greater resiliency, realistic appearance and lasting durability.

The latest enhancements with Double S shape blade allow wider than regular, texturized look to the end-product. This update nests neatly with core value of the synthetic grass - the capacity to withstand severe weather changes, intense and constant use in combination with a soft, plush touch.

The new Double S fiber technology features multi-color emerald green and olive green blades with double thatching in brown and green for additional elaborate feel. First releases of Double S Blade line of artificial grass is available for distribution country-wide. Double S-72's pile height is 1 7/8 inches with 3/8 inches turf gauge and the face weight 72 oz.Double S-61 comes with the pile height of 1 3/4 inches and face weight 61 oz. The sturdy backbone of the fibers makes the grass stand up for a longer time and give the surface a remarkable resilience. This unique fiber blade significantly reduces glare to create super-realistic appearance.

May 29, 2015   |   Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Fake Grass, Synthetic Grass, Synthetic Turf, Artificial Grass Cost, Outdoor Carpet, Turf Grass, Lawn Services

Ways to Conserve Water with Fake Grass

Gardeners like you can now start saving water through the use of artificial grass for their landscapes as replacement for the natural grass. The usual lawn is short, green and lush. When the weather is hot, natural grass should be paid with more attention and care. There is the need for more water, which means you will be spend more on your water bills for your lawn when the summer time kicks in. During this season, it has to be watered and maintained frequently and you may need to do it every day, perhaps. When the weather is warm, the natural grass should be watered more often so as to keep the soil moist and to keep the grass in their healthy and good condition. If there is no adequate supply of water, chances are that your lawn will be in bad state as the soil would dry out and this will prevent the root zone of the grass from absorbing the essential nutrients from the soil. In times that there is no ample of supply of water, but you want to keep a beautiful landscape at home, you should turn to this option. Artificial grass will always make your lawn attractive throughout the year without commanding you to water and maintain it often. With fake grass, you will never have to water your lawn. You don't need to install running sprinklers of water or any water watering systems that may cost you more. You will only need to clean and maintain the grass for some time throughout the year. Thus, your lawn will always look great and beautiful day and night, and whether it rains or shines. If you're concerned regarding the environment or you just like to lessen your monthly utility bills, finding great ways to conserve water is the best place to begin. For more people, changing from the natural grass lawn to the synthetic ones is a way wherein they prefer to save water. You might not realize just how many water it needs to keep your landscape looking green and healthy yet when you see and realize the difference. Saving water is more than a personal cost concern. It also helps to conserve the environment. It is fundamentally a desert which has been flooded with water-consuming lawns and swimming pools. The arrival of deviant moisture within the area has made the weather change and through switching to an artificial lawn, you are doing what you can do to help change this back. One of the major reasons why it took time for the synthetic lawn to gain popularity and recognition is that the old-fashioned ones did not look much the same with the natural grass. There are some brands that were little more than green-painted spongy turf. There are some that are with blades which were very rough so they can cause abrasions and scratches once they come to contact with your skin. Today, artificial grass is very much appreciated by most homeowners and even business owners today. To sum it up, artificial grass can help you save water in these ways: It does not need to be watered so you can save thousands of gallons of water every year There is no need to use any watering system that you usually need for keeping the natural grass healthy and in good condition Since it is made from a synthetic material, you will not have to water it every day. Your time and energy is also saved. ...
May 14, 2015   |   Fake Grass, Water Conservation, Water Shortage, Water Drought, Save Water, Ways To Save Water, How To Conserve Water, Conserving Water, Conserve Water, How To Save Water, Ways To Conserve Water, Water Management, Water Conservation Tips

Is There a Better Surface for Tennis Courts Than Artificial Turf?

Tennis is popular international sport. It is recognized to be amongst the plethora of major league sports such as football and baseball. The one thing that these great sports have in common is the different types of playing fields the athletes play on. Synthetic grass or artificial turf is the one of the unique types of playing fields. Tennis courts surfaces can range from clay, hard, carpet, or grass. Traditionally, professional athletes played on grass courts. Clay courts, made of crushed shale, brick, or stone,  are very common surfaces in tennis due to its inexpensiveness. But despite low cost Clay courts have a couple of disadvantages.  They slow down the ball and produce a high bounce. It's also quite expensive to upkeep.  Grass tennis courts are slippery, helps the ball move quickly, and at the same time, unpredictable since the ball bounce depends on variety of reasons, the heaviness of grass, the time of its last mow, its health, wear, and tear. Disadvantages include high maintenance cost and heavy water use. Most sports facilities transcend to more dependable and predictable solution, hard tennis courts. But still, grass courts are much better for players, as its softness is more compatible with a human body.  There are also carpet tennis courts, but the carpet can only be used indoor. Today, when we have artificial grass at our disposal, it's safe to say that the ideal solution for tennis courses is the artificial turf. It's inexpensive and can withstand a long period of use. Synthetic grass requires zero maintenance (except cleaning it once in a while.) It doesn't need to be mowed, or watered, and provide quick bounce and stable surface to play on.  Another good thing about having artificial grass on the tennis court is its cleanness. If the synthetic turf has been installed properly with the right slope for perfect drainage, the court will not get wet and muddy. You don't need to miss a game after a rainy night! No matter what forecast say, no matter where you live - in California or North Dakota, you can practice at any time. Artificial turf is wonderful when it comes to diverse weather conditions.  ...
May 8, 2015   |   Lawn Maintenance, Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Fake Grass, Synthetic Grass, Artificial Lawn, Synthetic Turf, Artificial Grass Cost, Artificial Grass For Dogs, Water Conservation, Water Conservation, Eco Friendly Products, Grass Installation, Artificial Turf Installation, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Faux Grass, Lawn And Landscape, Lawn Care, Grass For Dogs, Lawn Service, Cat Grass, Pet Grass, Drought Tolerant Plants, Seams, Outdoor Carpet, Pet Turf, Landscaping Business, Water Shortage, Water Facts, California Water, Paver Patio, California Drought, Putting Greens, Playground, Golf, Gardeners, Golf Course, City Landscape, Sports Turf, Sports Turf, Tennis Court, Tennis, Job Opportunities

Test Yourself - Are You a Right Candidate to Install Artificial Grass?

Artificial grass is now gaining popularity and you will be amazed at how it is making sense where home applications are concerned. It has even been found to solve landscaping issues!  For those living in low water areas, artificial grass should be your next best choice and this is because you will save yourself a hefty water bill. If also you are one of those people who is always tired of maintaining the lawn time and again, consider switching to artificial grass. It is evident that most homeowners are also switching to artificial grass and this is because they are more concerned in saving time and water together with their backs!  You are a candidate of artificial grass if the below-mentioned apply to you:  Water bills are usually too high It is tiresome to you when it comes to weeding, fertilizing, watering and cutting real grass You don't like using herbicides and chemical fertilizers You are a believer that artificial grass always looks good or even better than real grass Artificial grass basically consists of many filaments that thread their way into a backing, which is supposed to allow water to pass through. This backing is usually laid on a drainage layer, which is compacted gravel and usually fastened along the perimeter.  It is then filled with sand or crumb rubber that is recycled for the purposes of ensuring that it is not blown away in a stiff breeze.  Though artificial grass can be more expensive to install than natural sod, it will do the following:  Save you maintenance fees Significantly lower your water bill Is environmental friendly Is easy to maintain among others Call us today at (877) 796-8873 and we will help you start your project immediately! ...
May 4, 2015   |   Lawn Maintenance, Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Fake Grass, Synthetic Grass, Artificial Lawn, Synthetic Turf, Synthetic Turf, Artificial Grass Cost, Artificial Grass For Dogs, Water Conservation, Water Conservation, Eco Friendly Products, Grass Installation, Artificial Turf Installation, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Faux Grass, Lawn And Landscape, Lawn Care, Grass For Dogs, Lawn Service, Cat Grass, Pet Grass, Drought Tolerant Plants, Seams, Outdoor Carpet, Pet Turf, Landscaping Business, Water Shortage, Water Shortage, Water Facts, Water Facts, Paver Patio, Putting Greens, Playground, Golf, Gardeners, Golf Course, City Landscape, Football Field, Save Water, How To Conserve Water, How To Save Water, Ways To Conserve Water, Lawncare, Job Opportunities
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