Artificial Grass Los Angeles
Artificial Grass Los Angeles
Serving Los Angeles and Southern California

Water Management Using Artificial Turf

The need to conserve water has become one of the major concerns of governments and organizations when it comes to environment protection and preservation. It is never too late for people to help in preservation of the existing water resources. Water management is now further enhanced with the use of the best alternative to natural grass when it comes to landscaping. This is no other than the installation of artificial turf. Why Most People Turn to Artificial Grass? Many people love to have landscapes on their houses and even in their commercial establishments. If you are after saving more money, you should realize the beauty and usefulness of artificial grass. Switching to synthetic grass will not just help you save money but it will also aid you to contribute in water conservation. Natural grass is hardly in need of maintenance whereas during the summer season, the natural grass will require maintenance almost each day. But, with artificial grass, you will be able to save time that you can use for other important activities that you may have instead of watering and moving your lawn. By installing artificial grass, the application of harmful pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers will be completely eliminated. Artificial grass does not need to be watered and mowed so you will surely save a lot in terms of water consumption. Since today that the whole world is suffering from inadequate water supply, it is very important to look for solutions that can help conserve water. With synthetic grass, there is no more need for fertilizing, watering and reseeding. Hence, the use of this alternative has become the major solution for saving millions of liters of water. Artificial grass in the long run will pay for itself in terms of maintenance savings, aside from its ability to help in conserving water, and give a very pleasing and green surface year round. There are tons of benefits that you can get when installing residential synthetic grass in replacement for the natural grass. Fake grass helps the homeowners have good-looking lawns with little to no maintenance. Aside from that, artificial grass is also helping to keep away all the pests such as rodents that could cause a significant damage to lawns once they spread and invade your lawn. On the other hand, one of the most appealing reasons why people switch to synthetic grass is the effect of it to the environment. Artificial grass is not needed to be watered so you will never have to install running sprinklers or any other watering systems all over the lawn. It is especially crucial in states with warm weather conditions such as California that is frequently dealing with chronic droughts. Water management is never a big issue to deal with when it comes to landscaping. A million thanks to the concept of artificial grass. People now have the best alternative to use in making their homes more pleasing. When planning to install an artificial grass, make sure that you will be choosing quality products. There are many companies that sell artificial grass like Global Syn-Turf. Check out our extended catalog of synthetic grass. It's amazing how real it looks! We have different colors, shades, heights and backings for various landscape applications - putting green, playgrounds, landscape commercial and residential, sports fields, soccer fields, swimming pools and fake grass for dogs. ...
May 18, 2015   |   Water Conservation, Water Conservation, Water Shortage, Water Facts, Water Drought, Save Water, Energy Conservation, Ways To Save Water, Conserving Water, Conserve Water, Water Management, Water Conservation Tips, Drought

Ways to Conserve Water with Fake Grass

Gardeners like you can now start saving water through the use of artificial grass for their landscapes as replacement for the natural grass. The usual lawn is short, green and lush. When the weather is hot, natural grass should be paid with more attention and care. There is the need for more water, which means you will be spend more on your water bills for your lawn when the summer time kicks in. During this season, it has to be watered and maintained frequently and you may need to do it every day, perhaps. When the weather is warm, the natural grass should be watered more often so as to keep the soil moist and to keep the grass in their healthy and good condition. If there is no adequate supply of water, chances are that your lawn will be in bad state as the soil would dry out and this will prevent the root zone of the grass from absorbing the essential nutrients from the soil. In times that there is no ample of supply of water, but you want to keep a beautiful landscape at home, you should turn to this option. Artificial grass will always make your lawn attractive throughout the year without commanding you to water and maintain it often. With fake grass, you will never have to water your lawn. You don't need to install running sprinklers of water or any water watering systems that may cost you more. You will only need to clean and maintain the grass for some time throughout the year. Thus, your lawn will always look great and beautiful day and night, and whether it rains or shines. If you're concerned regarding the environment or you just like to lessen your monthly utility bills, finding great ways to conserve water is the best place to begin. For more people, changing from the natural grass lawn to the synthetic ones is a way wherein they prefer to save water. You might not realize just how many water it needs to keep your landscape looking green and healthy yet when you see and realize the difference. Saving water is more than a personal cost concern. It also helps to conserve the environment. It is fundamentally a desert which has been flooded with water-consuming lawns and swimming pools. The arrival of deviant moisture within the area has made the weather change and through switching to an artificial lawn, you are doing what you can do to help change this back. One of the major reasons why it took time for the synthetic lawn to gain popularity and recognition is that the old-fashioned ones did not look much the same with the natural grass. There are some brands that were little more than green-painted spongy turf. There are some that are with blades which were very rough so they can cause abrasions and scratches once they come to contact with your skin. Today, artificial grass is very much appreciated by most homeowners and even business owners today. To sum it up, artificial grass can help you save water in these ways: It does not need to be watered so you can save thousands of gallons of water every year There is no need to use any watering system that you usually need for keeping the natural grass healthy and in good condition Since it is made from a synthetic material, you will not have to water it every day. Your time and energy is also saved. ...
May 14, 2015   |   Fake Grass, Water Conservation, Water Shortage, Water Drought, Save Water, Ways To Save Water, How To Conserve Water, Conserving Water, Conserve Water, How To Save Water, Ways To Conserve Water, Water Management, Water Conservation Tips

Artificial Grass Lawns - Ways to Save Water

Most people cannot help to admire the beauty of the nature particularly when a beautiful and well-maintained lawn is concerned. Landscapes can definitely make your home or your business office look more beautiful but at the back of it, you need to be ready with your pocket. Maintaining a natural grass lawn is pretty expensive and that is the reality. Going green is an excellent way to aid the environment but it does not mean that you must always depend on natural grass. As a matter of fact, there are different reasons why more and more people today are removing their natural grass lawn and replace it with one that is made of synthetic grass. Just like humans, pets like dogs appreciate the beauty of an artificial grass lawn so there are companies out there selling artificial grass for dogs. Today, the installation of artificial grass is widely promoted over the web. Doing so can benefit people in many ways. It can also bring benefits to the environment. Aside from being a maintenance-free and cost-efficient option, an artificial grass lawn could also greatly affect the environment in both long-term and short-term. When it comes to benefits, the leading advantage that you can get from installing and choosing artificial grass instead of the synthetic one is the ability to save water. Actually, you can save water through installing artificial grass lawns in different ways: Prevents Water Waste At times when the weather is too hot, and there is a drought incident, it is important that people start conserving water and reduce their water consumption. In those areas where the case is serious, the local governments may even warn the public to follow strict water use and restrictions. One way to minimize water consumption is to make use of artificial grass. It Does Not Water Tired of standing early in the morning outside to water the plants including your large landscape? Or, are you worried about the rising cost of your water bills every month? The best solution to your problem is to change your natural grass lawn with the one that is made up of artificial grass. This will definitely eliminate the need to water your landscape every day. As its name suggests, synthetic grass does not need to be watered so you are saving around more than 50,000 gallons of water per year. It Eliminate the Need for Watering Systems When you choose to maintain a natural grass lawn, you have to make it equipped with a watering system to keep the grass healthy and in their normal condition. This is completely opposite when you install synthetic grass. Through having a lawn that is made of synthetic grass, you spare yourself from the need to install any watering system to sustain the need of your lawn for water. So these are then incredible and smart ways on how you can save money with artificial grass. Are you ready to change your lawn? Be sure that you will look for a reliable supplier of artificial grass. Do your research using the internet today. ...
May 13, 2015   |   Water Conservation, Water Shortage, Water Facts, Water Drought, Save Water, Energy Conservation, Ways To Save Water, How To Save Money, Conserving Water, Conserve Water, Water Management, Water Conservation Tips, Drought

Water Conservation 5 Reasons to Switch to Artificial Grass

Regardless of where you live today, water is indeed a very precious resource that people should learn to conserve. From the rainy condition of the weather in the Pacific Northwest to the Southeastern areas, water conservation is consistently playing a very important role in several ways than one. While the states and countries across the world are struggling to battle for clean and potable water and fresh air, there are cities and states that are struggling to conserve water so that they can beat their scorching hot temperatures during the summer season.  Water conservation is a must for everyone and to make it happen, everybody is encouraged to make use of artificial grass. Through water conservation, the lakes could rise back to their normal levels so that they can efficiently provide everyone with summertime fun and also to develop the local economy for most cities. The use of artificial grass can help a lot in making this goal come true.  In terms of installing synthetic grass, people can help in keeping all the dangerous pollutants like the carbon dioxide that is produced by the lawn mower will be eliminated. Almost all people love lush green and beautiful lawns, but these need water to keep the grass alive. One of the major advantages of installing artificial turf products at home or business is the reduction of water consumption which results to cost savings on your part while the environment is benefited in different ways. No matter where you are today, you can surely help in conserving the water supply by making your lawn artificial. When you make a switch to artificial grass, you can: Save as much as 70% of your water bill every month Save more water gallons Eliminate carbon dioxide emitting gardening tools such as the lawn mower Eliminate the maintenance fees that you usually pay every month when maintaining a traditional lawn. Stubborn bugs will be eliminated. These insects typically live within the grassy areas most of the time with mosquitoes. The water conservation benefits associated with the use of artificial grass in residential and even commercial applications are well recognized. An ordinary residence can help conserve roughly 22,000 gallons of water every year by installing an artificial turf. With the average cost of DIY artificial grass that range from $6 up to $9 per square foot, it will not take more time for you to get back the total cost of your investment. Synthetic grass is an eco-friendly and attractive alternative to conventional landscaping. If you want to switch to artificial grass today, call us (877) 796-8873. There are different companies especially in the United States that provide a large selection of DIY products. Not all of these companies make use of materials with superior quality. To get the best value for your money, consult us to compare the options available. Get free quotes and choose Global Syn-Turf that is always trusted by many. ...
May 6, 2015   |   Water Conservation, Water Facts, How To Save Water, Ways To Conserve Water, Ways To Save Water

California Cities Penalizing Citizens For Not Watering Their Lawns?!!

Battling with one of the most damaging droughts on history and confronted by mandatory water cuts, many California state citizens are deciding to allow their rich, green lawns simply turn brown, and consequently dealing with financial penalties for it. After hearing some reports that certain cities have fined their residents for letting their lawns turn to brown in the event of the drought , the California state Assembly passed a bill Thursday that prohibits fees and penalties for residents who decide to not water their lawn, the Los Angeles Times reports. "If California state is likely to administer its water resources resourcefully and sustainably, in that case we must not permit municipalities to penalize individuals for conserving water by not consistently watering their lawn ," assemblywoman Cheryl R . Brown ( D-Rialto ) said. A large number of California state cities possess maintenance ordinances indicating the condition wherein residential laws should be kept. As reported by the LA Times, financial penalties when dealing with these ordinances start out at about $100 a week to a flat fee of $500. On April 1, Governor Jerry Brown declared the state's first-ever mandatory water cuts , needing the state to help reduce its water usage 25 % by February 2016, a move that probably would conserve some 500 billion gallons of water. California's water resources are broke up among environmental uses, for example, water in protected rivers and streams, or water put aside for preserving habitat - and also agricultural and urban uses. Environmental necessitates require 50 % of the state's water, with cultivation accounting for 40 %. Urban utilization clocks in at only 10 %. Within that 10 %, outdoor residential water, the water utilized in swimming pools and landscape irrigation - is the primary important use, accounting for 34 % of the state's entire urban water utilization. As emphasized by the University of California, a lawn is "almost constantly the single largest user of water at home landscape", a 500-square-foot grassed area can use a lot more than 18, 000 gallons of water annually. In April of 2014, Gov. Brown finalized an executive order mandating that homeowners' associations should not fine individuals for failing to water their lawns. But nevertheless particular homeowners' association guidelines can continue to make water conservation measures challenging for homeowners, something that a resident of Southern California, Greg Greenstein, states that have been happening to him. As reported by KLTA5 News in Los Angeles, Greenstein changed his home's grass with artificial turf in January with a purpose to conserve water. Since that time, he claims to have accumulated over $4, 000 in penalties from his homeowners' association, which states the replacement was made without appropriate architectural authorization. When Greenstein declined to remove the turf, the homeowners' association started penalizing him $50 each and every day.  The homeowners' association argues that Greenstein wasn't fined for having turf, however for installing it without prior authorization. Greenstein's homeowners' association enacted a prohibit on artificial turf on front lawns in 2008 and declared that right now there wasn't enough interest to alter the rule when the association recently reconsidered it. The state Assembly's bill trying to prevent cities from leveraging penalties on inhabitants with brown lawns passed 74 to 0, and right now would go to the state Senate for a consideration. Lawmakers are likewise thinking about a bill that probably would avoid homeowners' associations from prohibiting homeowners to put in place turf as a water conservation measure. ...
April 29, 2015   |   Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Maintenance, Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Synthetic Grass, Synthetic Grass, Synthetic Grass, Artificial Lawn, Artificial Lawn, Artificial Lawn, Synthetic Turf, Synthetic Turf, Synthetic Turf, Artificial Grass Cost, Artificial Grass Cost, Artificial Grass For Dogs, Artificial Grass For Dogs, Water Conservation, Water Conservation, Eco Friendly Products, Eco Friendly Products, Grass Installation, Grass Installation, Artificial Turf Installation, Artificial Turf Installation, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Faux Grass, Faux Grass, Lawn And Landscape, Lawn And Landscape, Lawn Care, Lawn Care, Grass For Dogs, Grass For Dogs, Lawn Service, Lawn Service, Cat Grass, Cat Grass, Pet Grass, Pet Grass, Drought Tolerant Plants, Drought Tolerant Plants, Outdoor Carpet, Outdoor Carpet, Seams, Pet Turf, Pet Turf, Landscaping Business, Water Shortage, Water Shortage, Water Facts, Water Facts, California Water, Paver Patio, Paver Patio, California Drought, California Drought, Putting Greens, Putting Greens, Playground, Playground, Golf, Golf, Gardeners, Gardeners, Golf Course, Golf Course, City Landscape, City Landscape, Sports Turf, Sports Turf, Job Opportunities, Drought In California, Ways To Save Water, Synthetic Lawn
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